Interview: THE BIG CON JOB and HARLEY QUINN Writer Jimmy Palmiotti

I got to talk to one of my favorite writers Jimmy Palmiotti about his current and upcoming work. Pretty Good Friday.

Another Castle

If you’ve read comics over the last 20-something years, odds are you’ve seen Jimmy Palmiotti’swork. The Brooklyn-based writer started out inking several Marvel titles in the late ’90s like The Punisher and Ghost Rider. Alongside his extensive inking career (which included DC and Dark Horse as well as Marvel),  he also expanded into writing.

Working with longtime friend Joe Quesada (currently the Chief Creative Officer of Marvel Entertainment), he founded Event Comics, creating series like Ash and Painkiller Jane. In 1998, they were hired by Marvel in 1998 to create the Marvel Knights line, a banner for mature superhero stories for adult readers.

Nowadays, Palmiotti is primarily a writer, having worked on a variety of books like Deadpool, Daughters of the Dragon, Hawkman and Superboy, as well as co-writing tie-in video games for Punisher and Ghost Rider films and the story for Mortal…

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